Ethan experienced his first Pinewood Derby as a Tiger scout last Saturday. To start, Josh traced the pinewood block to a piece of paper and then Ethan went to town drawing up the design. He cut it out and then traced it onto the wood block. Josh did the cutting and Ethan helped with the sanding. With a sore hand from coloring it all over in colored pencil, Ethan had a finished race car. Well, almost...I had my hand in adding yellow racing stripes and 2 layers of varnish. Add to that a proud Dad who spent a good chunk of time slickin up the wheels the night before the BIG race (one key element in winning, ya know).
This was all new to us, but what FUN! With Grandpa and Grandma Taylor, Uncle Todd, Erin and Grandpa Hughson there to witness Ethan take 1st place in his Tiger den and 4th place in the was VERY exciting! A far cry from years ago when you had to rely on biased eyeballs. The results of these heats were projected instantly onto an LCD screen via computer. No replays or convincing needed. So, Ethan was thrilled to take home a metal AND a 1st place trophy! Just good clean fun for ALL...AND what better way to celebrate than to fill our stomachs with Culver's burgers and custard after wards.