Thursday, March 12, 2009

40 Years of Marriage

My parents just celebrated 40 years of marriage on the 15th! This is soooo HUGE especially in the culture we live in. I'm so proud and so blessed to have witnessed a good chunk of their story unfold...Their story begins as highschool sweethearts who married just before turning 19. They had a very simple ceremony with close family and friends. A reception followed at my Grandmother's house where cake and punch was served. Shortly after they took off for their honeymoon...a one nighter in St. Louis. Humble beginnings to say the least and many would say the odds were against them.
The lasy 40 years has brought many good times, but there was also a time when they both wanted to throw in the towel...Accepting what they needed to change about themselves, they slowly began to tear down the wall that seperated them. Today, they're closer than ever and are the better for mustering up the courage and strength needed to restore a love almost lost. My life and marriage are blessed because of their devotion...Love you Mom & Dad! Happy 40th Anniversary!

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